1. Legacy
  2. Service & Delivery

Create a Quadrant Name

Create a new quadrant name

  1. Open the Quadrants tab (Administration > Service and Delivery > General Setup > Quadrant Names).


2. Click Add. The New Service Quadrant screen appears.


3. Quadrant Name - Input the name of the new quadrant. For example, Zone 1, Zone 2, Vancouver, or Portland.

4. Click OK when complete.

5. Once you create the quadrants, use the Service Quadrant Post Codes screen (Administration > Service and Delivery > General Setup > Quadrant Postal Codes) to add postal codes to the quadrant.

  • (optional) Update the Tech Skills Matrix. The new quadrant is automatically added to every tech.


Set up quadrants and routes

  1. Create quadrant - A quadrant is a service area or zone. In this step, you only name the quadrants.

  2. Assign postal codes to a quadrant - Once you've named the quadrants, use the Service Quadrant Post Codes screen (Administration > Service and Delivery > General Setup > Quadrant Postal Codes) to add postal codes to quadrants.

3. Create the routes - Use routes to group one or more quadrants together.

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