Create a Schedule For Employee

Create a Schedule For Employee:
This schedule can be viewed by the employee on their Employee tab.

  1. Open the Create Schedule tab on the Employee Scheduling screen (Administration > System > Employees > Employee Scheduling).
  2. Select the store you are creating the schedule for. This is especially important if the employee works out of more than one store.
  3. Select the employee you are creating the schedule for.
    1. Click a date on the calendar to the right.  The Schedule Days on the left will then change in conjunction with the date you checked off. 
    2. Check off all the days under Schedule Days that the employee will be working.
  4. If the employee is working different hours each day, then select one day at a time.
  5. Enter the beginning time and the end time for each day OR for all the days at once.
  6. Click Create Schedule.