1. Legacy
  2. Service & Delivery

Create a Service Task Priority

When you schedule a service task, you select the priority of the task. For example, As Soon As Possible, Delay Until Later, Emergency, Regular. You guessed it! These are going to be the levels of escalation that you can assign to a service order, to communicate with your team how urgent an issue is.

  • You can use the standard priorities, or you can create your own. The priority displays on the service order, and on the mobile app.

Create a Service Task Priority

  1. Open the Priorities tab (Administration > Service and Delivery > General Setup > Task Priorities).
  2. Click 'Add'. The New Service Priority screen appears.
  3. Short Code - Input a code that is 5 characters or less. The code appears on the Search Schedule screen, service orders, and mobile app.
  4. Description - The description appears in the Priority field on the Schedule New Task screen when inputting the service task.
  5. Click 'OK' to save the new priority.

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