1. Legacy
  2. Service & Delivery

Create a Service Task Type

Use task types to break categories down into specific service tasks. For example, Maintenance-Pool, Maintenance-Spa, Repair-Pump, Repair-Heater, Delivery – Spas, and Install – Stoves.

  • Task types print on the Service Order and Route Sheet.

  • A time estimate can also be associated with each task type although any time estimates associated with a request will override the time estimate entered for task types.

  • You must set up the service type categories before creating the task types.


Don't create a lot of task types
Use requests to define the specifics of each service order.

Things to consider when setting up service categories and types

  • What do you want to see on service calendars and other screens in the application?

  • How do you want to report on your service department?

  • How will you assess the skill levels of your technicians on the tech skills matrix?


Example of categories and types









Install Pool



Above Ground Pool


Install Pool





Install Stove





Install Stove





Install Stove






Pool Weekly





Pool Monthly


Create a Service Task Type

  1. Open the Task Types tab (Administration > Service and Delivery > General Setup > Task Types).

  2. Click 'Add'. The New Service Type screen appears.

  3. Category  - Categories are created and maintained using the Task Categories tab (Administration > Service and Delivery > General Setup > Task Categories).

  4. Name - Enter the name of the task type.

  5. Check the Delivery Type box if this is a delivery type. When this box is checked, scheduled tasks will display the task date in the Delivered column on the Sales Order tab of the Customer screen. Generally, the Delivered column displays the date that items were delivered and invoiced.

  6. Average Minutes it takes to complete this task - Enter the number of minutes it generally takes to complete this task. The system uses this time to determine which tech are available when using the Smart Scheduling feature.

  • This estimated time also displays when a new task is being added to the service schedule. The estimate can be changed when the task is scheduled.

7. Click 'OK' to save the new task type.

  • Service Types List Report (Administration > Reports > Service and Delivery > Service Types List): Use this report to see a list of task categories and task types that are set up in the application.

  • (optional) Update the Tech Skills Matrix. The new task type is automatically added to every tech.


Import categories and types from a spreadsheet
Click the Import From Spreadsheet button on the Task Types tab to quickly set up all of your task categories and task types (Administration > Service and Delivery > General Setup > Task Categories).

Be careful! This will replace all of the existing categories and types.

  1. Open the Task Categories tab (Administration > Service and Delivery > General Setup > Task Categories).
  2. Click Import From Spreadsheet. The Spreadsheet Import screen appears.
  3. Click Make Spreadsheet Template and save the template to your machine. This creates a spreadsheet that contains the required columns.
    1. Do not change the column headings of the template.
  4. Input the categories and types on the spreadsheet.
  5. Locate the spreadsheet that you just created in the Import This Spreadsheet field.
  6. Click Import Spreadsheet.

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Administration-Service & Delivery

Can Access Service/Delivery Tree Branch

Service and Delivery Types



Task Types are also used in conjunction with Task Categories to determine whether or not a Service Tech can perform a certain task within the Tech Skills Matrix. When you search the schedule for available techs, Evosus will look at the Tech Skills Matrix to see whether or not the tech can perform the selected Task, can work in the selected Quadrant and can fix the selected Problem.

Related Reports

  • Service Types List (Administration > Reports > Service and Delivery > Service Types List): Prints a list of all Service Task Categories, Types and Time Estimates.