Dealing With Lost Leads

Sometimes leads don't purchase a product at your store. When that happens, you need to decide what to do with the lead. Do you want them to stay as a lead in the application, or convert them to a customer?  Either way, you need to know how to manage lost leads in Evosus.

If you want the status to remain as a Lead
This option is best if you want the person to remain a Lead in your database, but want the lead removed from your sales person's active call list. In that case, we recommend creating a new employee called "Lost Lead" and assigning the lost leads to that new employee. You can reassign leads one-by-one or in mass using the Sales Manager lead list.

You can easily find these leads again by going to the Sales Manager tab: Employee > My Leads > Filter by the Lost Leads employee that you previously created within Evosus. 

If you want the status to remain as a Customer
This option is best if you want the lead's status to change to Customer for the selected interest. This will stop any pre-sale campaigns that are currently running and will kick off any post-sale campaigns that may exist. This option will also remove the lead from the salesperson's active lead list. We recommend creating a $0.00 line item in each major product line called "Lost Lead." For instance, you may have a Lost Lead - Spa, Lost Lead - Stove, Lost Lead - Pool. When you have a lead that purchased elsewhere or decided not to purchase, you can add the $0.00 Lost Lead line item to a sales order. Once you invoice it, the lead's status will change to "Customer." You can also create Order Attributes that you can fill out as to why the customer did not purchase from you. This information would be saved in the order for future reference.