Use the Item screen to edit inventory item information such pricing, vendors, and warranties. The information you can update will be different depending on the item type (Labor, Other Charges, Non-Stock, Stock). Some of this information, such as price, make and model, can be updated using the Mass Update Inventory From Spreadsheet (Administration > Inventory > Utilities > Mass Update Existing Inventory from Spreadsheet).
Class: The item class displays in a colored box next to each inventory item on the inventory tree, and it displays the popularity of an item using a letter grade (A-F).
Hazardous Material Details: The Preview tab includes hazardous material details if a hazardous code is associated with the item. You can see all of the hazardous codes associated with an item using the Hazardous tab.
Our Item Code (required): Item code used to search inventory. The vendor item code can be different than the internal item code, but we recommend using the manufacturer's code as the internal item code.
Our Description (required): The item description used to search Inventory. The vendor item description can be different than the internal Item description. This description will display on customer facing documents. For example, quotes or orders.
Size: Enter the size of the item. This does not impact the unit of measure. For example, if the unit of measure is Each but it is sold in a 12oz. bottle, you can enter 12oz. as the size of the item. This field displays on customer facing documents.
Make, Model: The Make and Model will default in the Equipment Profile when the item is sold. Make and Model can also be searched on using the Advanced Inventory Search. NOTE: Make and Model can also be used for parts. For instance, a spa make and model might be Hot Springs Grandee. You could put the same make and model on all parts that ONLY work for the Hot Springs Grandee. When searching by make and model you can find all parts that go to that spa.
Type (required): This determines the way items post to the general ledger, and how they are treated on certain reports, such as Inventory Valuation.
Labor: Labor items are not physical inventory items, rather they are to be used when selling labor and/or services. Labor items will post to the account you specify at the Product Line level (Sales account pull down). It is recommended to either place the Labor items within their own Product Line or create a specific Sub Department within each necessary Product Line so that general ledger account can be associated properly.
Non-Stock: Non-stock items are generally special order items that are ordered for a specific customer. These are not items you normally carry in stock. These items immediately hit COGS and are never posted to an inventory account. These items are also not included in the Inventory Valuation Report calculations or the Physical Count.
Other: Other Charge items are not physical inventory items, rather they are fees you charge customers. These might include disposal fees or mileage fees. Other Charge items will post to the account you specify at the Product Line level (Sales account pull down). It is recommended to either place the Other Charge items within their own Product Line or create a specific Sub Department within each necessary Product Line so that general ledger account can be associated properly.
Special Order: Post as an asset to a special asset clearing account. These items are not included in your valuation costing method (FIFO, LIFO, Average).
Stock: Stock items include items that are generally kept in stock. They are items you maintain quantities of and order on a regular basis. Stock items are also physical inventory items that are received into inventory and do not post to a COGS account until they are sold.
Sell Unit of Measure: This is the unit of measure used to stock and sell the item. For example, Each, Case12, or Roll. All inventory transactions will be processed using this unit of measure. For example, sale transactions, job deliveries, RGA adjustments, stock adjustments, physical counts, and transfers. This should always be the smallest unit of measure that the item is sold. For example, if you sell the item individually and as a case of 12, select Each in this field and set up a static kit for the case of 12. If you purchase items from a vendor in cases of 24 (Case24), but you sell each item individually, select Each in this field, and select Case24 in the For Ordering Unit of Measure field on the New Item Vendor screen (Vendors tab > Options > Add).
(required): Select the item's location in the inventory tree.
Weight: Enter the weight of the item. This is used in maximum weight restrictions on Hazardous Materials and weight minimums on vendor purchase orders.
Cubic Volume: Enter the volume of the item. This can be used to allocate vendor fees such as freight across receipts based on volume. The larger item is allocated a larger percentage of the cost than the smaller item.
Disposal: Select how the item should be disposed of if the product is returned or damaged. This is internal information for employees.
Purchase: Select which employees can order the item through a purchase order. Open-to-Buy - Anyone with purchase order security rights can order the inventory item. Corporate Buy - Employee must have special security rights to order the inventory item. This is useful if some employees can purchase small items, but do not big ticket items (for example, spas or stoves).
Shelf Life: Enter the Shelf Life of the item (days), if applicable.
Apply Sales Tax if Applicable: Taxes are calculated on each line item. Check the box to tax this item. Do not check this box if the item is not taxable. You should only use this box if a specific item, not an entire item type is exempt. If an entire item type is exempt from a tax, use the Never Charge Tax On field on the Tax Authority screen (Administration > Accounting > General Setup > Tax Authorities). For example, you can set up a tax authority to not charge taxes on inventory items with an item type of Labor. When this box is not checked, sales of this item appear in the Not Taxed section on the Sales Tax Due Report.
Sell this item: Check this box if you sell this item to customers. You cannot delete an inventory item, but you can uncheck this box - For example, uncheck this box if you no longer sell the item. This means that the item cannot be added to customer orders or vendor purchase orders, and it will not display in the inventory tree in POS and on orders. The item will display in the inventory tree on the Inventory tab, but it will appear with a
icon next to it. What if you still have items in inventory? - Check the Is Clearance and Auto-Mark "Do Not Sell" when Inventory depleted boxes. The Sell This Item box is automatically unchecked when all items are sold. See the description of the Is Clearance field for more detailed information. We recommend that you move items that you no longer sell to an archive folder in the inventory tree. You can move items using the
on the Profile tab, and you can create new folders inside the inventory tree using the Departments tab of the Product Line screen (Administration > Inventory > General Setup > Product Lines).
Enforce Serial Number Tracking – On Sale: When this box is checked, a serial number must be assigned to a sales order before the item can be delivered. This ensures that a serial numbered item is not delivered without the proper serial number attached.
Enforce Serial Number Tracking – On Receive: When this box is checked, a serial number must be assigned to a sales order before the item can be received. This ensures that a serial numbered item is not received without the proper serial number attached.
Ignore this item on Auto Purchase Order Reorders: By default, the purchasing agent is notified when you do not have enough stock to fill a sales or service order. If you check this box, the item will not appear as needing to be ordered.
Do not print on Customer Quotes and Order: Check if you do not want this item to appear on printed Customer Orders and Quotes. This item will still appear on the Order form in the application but it will not appear when the order is printed. The price of the item that does not print will be rolled up into the total so the amounts are correct.
Auto Print Barcode When Item is Received: Check if you want a barcode to print every time this item is received into inventory through Purchase Orders. A print screen will appear with the correct number of barcodes once the receive process is finished.
Users cannot change item description on Sales: Check if you do not want employees to be able to change the description of the item in POS or Sales Orders. This disables the Description field so it cannot be changed.
Track this as Equipment on Customer Profile: Check if you want to track this item as non-serialized Equipment.
Is Clearance: Check if you want Evosus to classify this item as clearance. "Clearance" will appear above the item when searching and some reports can include or exclude clearance items. Reports include the Evosus Money Tree, Most Popular Items, Delivered Items Report and Item Purchase and Sales Report.
Auto-Mark "Do Not Sell" when Inventory depleted: Check the box to automatically mark the item as Do Not Sell once quantity on hand is reduced to zero. This box is only enabled when Is Clearance is checked.
Override RGA Vendor: The RGA vendor is the vendor you will request money, parts or credit from when an item is returned for warranty reasons. If you purchase items through a local supplier, but warranty items through the manufacturer, enter the manufacturer as a vendor and select the manufacturer in this field. For labor items, we recommend creating one item for each vendor that you perform warranty services for. The RGA will be created for the correct vendor based on the labor item added to the order.
Override Stock Site: By default, the application determines the stock site of an order based on store stock site relationships. Select a stock site this field if the item should always come from that stock site. If an entire product line should come from a specific stock site, use store stock site relationships to set up that relationship, not the Override Stock Site field. Stock Sites are created and maintained in Administration > Inventory > General Setup > Stock Sites.
User 1, User 2, User 3: Use these fields to record any additional information.
Special Order Tab
This tab only appears when the inventory item is set up as a special order item (Profile tab > Type field > Special Order). The text entered in the Default Text for New Special Orders field will automatically appear in the Description field each time this item is added to an order.
Pricing Tab
Retail Price: Select how you want to price the item. Fixed Price - The price of the item is fixed until you change it. Increasing the cost of the item will not affect the retail price of the item. Retail Margin - The price of the item is determined by the cost of the item and the percentage entered. As the cost changes, the retail price of the item changes. We recommend that you use this pricing method. Use the Margin Calculator to calculate a margin. Enter the desired Price of the item and click Use this Margin. The calculated Margin appears.
Vendors Tab
Use the Vendors tab to add and maintain the vendors on an inventory item. That means you purchase the product from the vendor, or will create RGAs for the vendor
Grid displays the price changes to the item. The grid below the vendors displays vendor price changes. For example, if PoolCorp increases the price of the item, the price increase displays in the grid. The grid only displays changes to the vendors that are in the upper portion of the screen. The grid does not include price changes made on purchase orders, or AP invoices.
Tired of manually inputting purchase price information? We have partnered with several manufacturers and distributors to provide a seamless flow of information between vendors and Evosus Legacy Software.
Vendors Tab
Use the Alias tab to create and maintain the aliases on an item. An alias is an alternative item code, and it can be used to search for an item. For example, you can create your own in-house item codes, and set up the manufacturer's item code as an alias. Aliases can also be useful if a manufacturer changes their item code, but the old code still applies.
We recommend using the manufacturer item code as the item code. We recommend using the manufacturer item code in the Our Item Code field on the Profile tab of the Item screen, rather than creating your own item code (Inventory > Open an item > Profile tab).
Site Profiles Tab
A stock site is any physical location where inventory is stored and distributed. For example, a retail store, warehouse, or service vehicles. The Stock Sites tab only applies to the following types of items: Non-Stock, Stock
What is the On Hand at a specific stock site? You can use the Stock Sites tab to see the On Hand at each stock site.
Reorder Alerts Tab
Use reorder alerts to set up the inventory level where you want to reorder the item. For example, if you want to reorder an item when the on hand drops below 5 units, you can set that up as a reorder alert.
You can add reorder alerts to each stock site where the item is sold, and reorder alerts can vary by month to deal with seasonality.
Reorder Alerts can be viewed from within the Purchase Order or the Purchase Order Search Screen.
Warranties Tab
This tab only applies to items of the following types: Non-Stock, Stock
Use the Warranties tab to add warranty information to an item.
If Warranty information is added, it will appear on the Preview menu of the customer profile below the associated serial numbered item that was sold. Information displayed will include Warranty Description and Expiration Date.
Add a new vendor to the inventory item
Open the Vendors tab on the Item screen (Inventory > Open an item > Vendors tab).
Select Options > Add. The New Item Vendor screen appears.
Vendor: If the Vendor is not listed in the pull down menu, you may click [Add New Vendor] to add them to the database.
Make this the Default Vendor for this item? Check this box to make this the primary vendor of the item.
Vendor Item Code, Vendor Item Description (required): The vendor part number, and part description can be different from the part information that you entered on the Profile tab.
Click Copy Item Profile to copy the item information into these fields.
Purchase (required): Enter the vendor's cost for this item.
For Ordering Unit of Measure - Select the ordering unit of measure. For example, Each, Case12, or Roll. This is how the product is purchased from the vendor.
If you purchase items from a vendor in cases of 24 (Case24), but you sell each item individually, select Case24 in this field, and select Each in the Sell Unit of Measure field on the Profile tab.
The unit of measure also impacts the purchase cost. The purchase price is divided by the Conversion Factor field set up on the unit of measure on the Administration - Inventory screen (Administration > Inventory > General Setup > Units of Measure).
Each vendor assigned to the inventory item can have a unique unit of measure.
UPC: Scan the item bar code. UPC codes are entered by vendor since the number may vary slightly from each vendor or manufacturer.
Minimum Order Quantity - Enter the minimum order based on the Ordering Unit of Measure.
Manufacturer: Select Unknown if you don't know the manufacturer.
To create a new manufacturer, create a new vendor (Administration > Accounting > Accounts Payable > Search Vendors > Add Vendor).
Default Shipping Method: To create a new shipping method, create a new distribution method (Administration > Inventory > General Setup > Distribution Methods).
Click OK to save the new vendor.
Click Save and Add Warranties to add warranties to the vendor. You can also add a warranty to a vendor using the Warranties tab.
What if you no longer want to purchase the product from the vendor?
Un-check the Active box on the vendor if you no longer want to purchase the item from a vendor. This only makes the vendor inactive on the selected item.
To make a vendor inactive on all items, use the Active box on the Profile tab of the Vendor screen (Administration > Inventory > Search Vendors > Open a vendor > Profile tab).
Open the Vendors tab on the Item screen (Inventory > Open an item > Vendors tab).
Double click on the vendor. The Item Vendor screen appears.
Mark this the default vendor for this item: Verify this box is not checked. The default vendor for an item cannot be inactive.
Uncheck the Active box.
Click OK.
Create an alias for an item
Open the Alias tab of the Item screen (Inventory > Open an item > Alias tab).
Select Options > Add.
Enter the alias.
Click OK when complete.
You can now locate the item using the alias. For example, type the alias into the search field on the Inventory tab and click Search to find the item.
Update a stock site - for example, add a bin location or reorder alert
Open the Stock Sites tab on the Item screen (Inventory tab > Open an item > Stock Sites tab).
Highlight a stock site.
Select Options > Update. The Item Stock Site screen appears.
Stock Site Location - Select the location of the item at that location. For example, you can use this field to define which shelf or bin the item is located on at the stock site.
The locations at a stock site are created using the Locations tab of the Stock Site screen (Administration > Inventory > General Setup > Stock Sites > Open a stock site).
If the item is stored in multiple locations at the stock site (for example, in bin A2 and X5), we recommend that the location reference both locations (for example, A2 and X5).
Use the Reorder Alerts tab to add a reorder alert to the item.
Click OK when complete
Add a reorder alert to an item
Open the Reorder Alerts tab on the Item screen (Inventory > Open an item > Reorder Alerts tab).
Select Options > Add. The New Reorder Alert screen appears.
Stock Site: Reorder alerts are set up by stock site. Only the stock sites associated with the item appear in the drop down.
Reorder Level: Enter the on hand quantity when items should be reordered.
Reorder Quantity: Enter the quantity to reorder when inventory drops below the Reorder Level.
Select the months that apply for the reorder alert.
You can create multiple reorder alerts for a single stock site. This allows you to set up a reorder alert for the busy months, and a different reorder alert for the rest of the year.
Click OK when complete to create the reorder alert.
Add a warranty to an item
Open the Warranties tab of the Item screen (Inventory > Open an item > Warranties tab).
Select Options > Add. The New Item Vendor Warranty screen appears.
Vendor - Select the vendor of the warranty.
What if the vendor does not appear in the drop down menu? If the vendor does not appear in the drop down, you need to add the vendor to the item using the Vendors tab of the Item screen (Inventory > Open an item > Vendors tab).
Description: Enter a description of the warranty. The details of the warranty are entered in the Extended Description field.
Warranty Period: If the warranty expires 90 days from the date of purchase, enter 90 and select Days from the pull down menu. The application will calculate the expiration date based on the item delivery date and the expiration information entered on the item profile.
Check the box if you want to include this warranty in a Marketing Post-Sale Relationship Campaign Stream schedule. This will send Action Items to employees a certain number of days before the expiration date to notify the customer their warranty expires soon. You will create this Campaign Stream to match your needs.
Extended Description: Enter any additional warranty information.
Click OK when complete to save the warranty.