Enter an Exchange Transaction - POS

Exchanges are transactions that combine a return transaction and a sales transaction. See sales and returns for single transactions. You will be prompted to associate the returned item to the invoice that it originated from. If it is a default customer you will need to have the receipt so that you can enter the order ID to pull up the order and make the association. The return is processed first followed by the purchase.

Step by Step:  
  1. Log into POS.

  2. Click Exchange on the Transaction Type screen.

  3. Search for a customer and click [Use Selected Customer] or click Use No Customer to perform an exchange for a default customer.

  4. If you selected a customer the items the customer has purchased will be displayed. If you used the default customer enter the Order ID from the receipt to bring up the items.

  5. Check the items the customer is returning one at a time. The "Quantity Returned" window will appear after you check an item. Enter the number of items returned. To go to next item click Add Item to Order. Note: System will not allow you to enter more items than the customer purchased. The exact amount the customer paid (including discounts) will be captured for the return.

  6. When you have finished adding Return Items from a parent order click Items.

  7. The items and quantities you entered will be displayed with the correct prices on the "Return Items" screen. If necessary, you may add additional return items by searching for the items, scanning the item or entering the item code.

  8. Click Sell Items to continue with the purchase side of the exchange.

  9. Scan or type in items the customer is purchasing.

  10. Click Payment once you are finished adding items.

  11. Based on whether the customer owes you or you owe the customer, a message will be displayed in blue letters at top of page. Based on your company return policy select how to repay the customer if you still owe them money. If the customer owes you money enter payment amount in the correct payment type field.

  12. Click Finish to complete transaction.

Security Permissions Required

Category Function
Point of Sale Can Access
Can Discount Items
Can Price Override Items


Transaction Debit Credit
POS Exchange (Return) Returns Cash on Hand
POS Exchange (Return) Inventory COGS
POS Exchange (Sale) Cash on Hand Sales
POS Exchange (Sale) COGS Inventory

Related Reports

  • Stock Movement (Administration > Reports > Inventory > Items > Stock Movement) Analyze the Stock Adjustments and Transfers made for a given period of time. Transactions may have been initiated by Sales, Returns, Service Orders, Physical Counts, or manual stock adjustments and transfers.

  • Cash Payments Journal: Combined (Administration > Reports > Accounting > Banking > Cash Payments Journal – Combined) View vendor AND customer payments for a specified date range.

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