Install RCM on a MS Terminal Server

The OpenEdge Remote Client Manager (RCM) software handles the communication between the credit card reader and OpenEdge.

How does the communication work?
Here is an outline of the communication steps that take place when processing a transaction.

  1. Evosus requests an OpenEdge payment form.

  2. The OpenEdge payment form wakes up the RCM.

  3. RCM communicates with the card reader terminal to capture the payment card information.

  4. RCM submits the transaction to the OpenEdge Gateway.

  5. OpenEdge Gateway returns a response to the RCM.

  6. RCM notifies the OpenEdge payment form that the transaction is completed.

  7. Evosus retrieves the transaction response from the OpenEdge Gateway.

Install RCM on a MS Terminal Server
Follow the steps below to install Remote Client Manager (RCM) on MS Terminal Server.

  1. Install Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) (All options, including HTTP Support)

Perform this step prior to installing RCM.

a. Open Windows Server 2012 R2.

b. Launch Server Manager.

c. Navigate to Manage > Add Roles and Features.

d. Click Next in the Before You Begin screen.

e. Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next.

f. Select the server where you want to install the feature and click Next.

g. Do not select any server roles. Click Next.

h. In “Features”, expand Message Queuing > Message Queuing Services and select Message Queuing Server.

i. Continue through the wizard adding any other roles required by MSMQ (if applicable).

j. Click Install to start the installation.

k. The setup may require a system restart. Click OK to complete the installation.

2. Enable Windows Installer RDS Compatibility

Perform this step prior to installing RCM.

a. Open Windows Server 2012 R2.

b. From Command Prompt run gpedit. (Group Policies).

c. Navigate to: Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Application Compatibility.

d. Double-click Turn off Windows Installer RDS Compatibility and set to Enabled.

3. Install RCM on Terminal Server (Run as administrator)
  • Only use the .exe installer since the .msi installer is an alpha version and has some issues.

  • On the Shared User Settings Configuration screen, select User Specific …

4. Start RCM

a. Under the drive to which RCM was installed, go to the folder named: \ProgramData\XpressLink2. 

  • This folder is hidden by default so you may need to enable Show hidden files.

b. Right click on RCM and select Run as administrator.

c. Once the RCM is started, you can access the RCM help for more detailed information about these steps. Right click on the RCM icon in the system tray, and select Help from the menu that appears. 

5. Device configuration

a. Right click on the RCM icon in the system tray.

b. Select Device Configuration from the menu that appears.

c. Select Ingenico iPP320 in the PIN Pad Device drop down.

d. COM Port - Select the COM port used by the device. The selected COM port must be unique to this device (it cannot be shared with multiple devices).

e. Default Message - Message that appears on the credit card terminal. This must be 30 characters or less.

f. Click Test. This tests the communication between the RCM and the card reader terminal.

g. Click Load Forms to Device. Loading the forms to the device can take several minutes and the process should not be interrupted.

h. Click Load Settings to Device. Loading the settings to the device can take several minutes and the process should not be interrupted.

i. Click OK when complete.

6. Configure the port

This step needs to be performed on every workstation that accesses the terminal server.

a. In the system tray, right click on RCM and select Port Configuration.

b. Set the Port Range large enough to provide port numbers for all of the terminals that will be connected to this terminal server. For example, if you have 20 terminals to set up, you need to set the port range from 20113 to 20132.

7. Configure USB devices to always be powered on

Complete this step prior to the setting up the card reader on the terminal server. This step only needs to be performed on the terminal server.

a. Open Device Manager.

b. Expand Universal Serial Bus controllers.

c. For each USB Root Hub device listed:

  • Right-click on USB Root Hub.

  • Select Properties.

  • Under the Power Management tab, uncheck Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.

  • Click OK. Repeat for ALL USB Root Hubs listed.

d. Open Control Panel.

e. Select Power Options.

f. Select Choose when to turn off the display.

g. Select Change advanced power settings.

h. In the Power Options window:

  • Expand USB settings.

  • Expand USB selective suspend setting.

  • Click on Setting: Enabled.

  • Select Disabled in the drop-down menu.

  • Click Apply.

  • Click OK.

  • On the Edit Plan Settings screen, click Save changes.

8. Install drivers on Windows workstation (Required to do for ALL workstations.)

Complete this step prior to setting up the card reader on the terminal server.

a. The device driver installer/setup file is located in the \ProgramData\XpressLink2\PinPadDevice\Ingenico USB Drivers folder.

b. Run the Ingenico USB Drivers Package Setup.

c. On the Usb Driver parameters screen, under Product ID (PID), use the drop-down menu to select “0060 (Ingenico iPP3xx/iPP4xx)”.

d. Click Next.

e. Continue. Click ‘Next’ until finished.

 9. Install Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) (All options, including HTTP Support)

For local installations, MSMQ needs to be installed on every machine where the RCM is directly installed. See the Microsoft documentation for information on installing MSMQ on workstations.

10. Connect the PINPad terminal to a USB port on the local workstation

11. Set the COM port for the PINPad on the local workstation

Complete this step prior to the PINPad terminal setup. These must be the same setting for ALL PINPads connected to this terminal server.

a. Open Device Manager.

b. Expand Ports (COM & LPT).

c. Right click on the Ingenico iPP3xx/iPP4xx Comm Port and select Properties.

d. Under the Port Settings tab, Click Advanced.

e. Using the COMM Port Number drop-down, select a COMx value above COM4.  You want to choose a number that will not be in use on any of the Remote Desktop workstations.

f. Click OK.

12. Verify that the COM ports are passed to the terminal server through the Remote Desktop session. Complete this step prior to the PINPad terminal setup.

a. Start a Microsoft Terminal Server Client.  From command prompt, run mstsc.

b. On the Remote Desktop Connection client startup screen, select the Show Options down arrow.

c. Under the Local Resources tab, select ‘More’ at the bottom.

d. Make sure that Ports is selected.

e. Click OK.

f. Back on the Remote Desktop Connection screen, click Connect.
If prompted, enter your login credentials.

13. If this is not the first PINPad that is connected to this terminal server, increment the RCM User Port number

a. In the System Tray, right-click RCM and select Port Configuration.

b. Increment the User Port number to the next value.

14. Configure the card reader/PIN Pad device

a. On the Terminal Server, in the System Tray, right-click RCM and select Device Configure.

b. Select the Ingenico iPP320 (US EMV) from the PIN Pad Device drop-down menu.

c. Enter the COM Port number used by this device.

      • This should be the same COM port number for ALL devices connected to this terminal server.

d. If desired, set the Default Message for this device. This is the message displayed on the device screen when the device is idle.

e. Click Load Forms to Device. This may take several minutes and should not be interrupted.

f. Click Load Settings to Device from the Device Setup window. This may take several minutes and should not be interrupted.

g. Click Test to initialize the device, then follow the prompts on the screen of the PIN Pad terminal to complete the test.

h. Click OK.