Step by Step:
Use the Inventory Tree Mapper screen to quickly and easily move an item or multiple items to a different place in the inventory tree. For example, you can use the an integration to import several new products into a temporary folder in the inventory tree, and then use the Inventory Tree Mapper screen to move the products to the correct location.
Move inventory items to a different place in the inventory tree:
Open the Inventory Tree Mapper screen (Administration > Inventory > Utilities > Inventory Tree Mapper).
Select Items or Kits.
Select the 1st Level Product Line/Kit Category you are interested in.
A list of all items contained in that Product Line/Kit Category will appear.
Select a 2nd Product Line/Kit Category to further filter your selection.
Highlight the items you wish to move.
To move multiple items:
Press and hold Control (CTRL) on the keyboard and click all the items you wish to move.
Press and hold Shift on the keyboard and click the first item in the group you wish to move. While still holding the Shift key, click the last item in the group you wish to move. This will highlight all the items between the first and last item you selected.
While holding Control (CTRL), grab the item or group of items and drag them into the new Product Line or Product Line Sub Department.
All the items that have been moved will appear in the “Actions” window at the bottom of the screen. Click the orange arrow button to expand this window.
If the “Hide Mapped Items” box is checked, the items you just moved will disappear (they will still be listed in the “Actions” window. If the box is unchecked, then the items you just moved will remain in the list although their hierarchy will be changed to reflect the new Product Line or Product Line Sub Department.
Security Permissions Required
Category |
Function |
Admin – Inventory |
*Can Access Inventory Tree Branch |
Accounting GL Accounts are assigned to items at the Product Line and Sub Department level. Once an item is moved, the Sales, Returns and COGS accounts for that item will change to the accounts specified for the new Product Line.