Job Screen - Field Descriptions

Use the Job screen to view all of the job information (Administration > Job Costing > Search Jobs).

Preview Tab - A quick overview of the job
The Preview tab also displays important job figures such as contract amount, budgeted expenses, earned revenue and more. The Preview tab is a quick, easy way to view the status of a job as of the current date. This information can also be viewed in the Job Summary and can be filtered as of a specific date.

  • Original Contract (Bid): Original bid amount as specified on job profile.

  • Change Orders: Total amount of approved change orders.

  • Total Contract: Original Contract amount +/- Change Orders

  • Pending Change Orders: Change orders in a pending status.

  • Budgeted Expenses: Total estimated expenses as entered on the budget. Used to calculate percent complete.

  • Actual Expenses: All costs applied to the job as of the current date. This includes approved timecard labor, delivered materials, vendor invoices, vendor checks, and vendor invoices.

  • Cost to Complete: Budgeted expenses - actual expenses as of the current date.

  • Material Deliver: Total amount of materials delivered on the job as of the current date.

  • Material Waiting: Total amount of materials waiting for delivery on the jobs as of the current date.

  • Labor Unapproved: Total amount of labor hours applied to the job but in an unapproved status.

  • Unbilled: Total Contract - Billed. Basically, the total contract amount minus the total amount of Job Bills entered as of the current date.

  • Billed: Total amount of job bills entered as of the current date.

  • Bill Taxes: Total amount of taxes applied to a job bill. Not tax applied to materials.

  • Paid: Total amount paid on job bills as of the current date.

  • Balance Due: Total amount due on job bills as of the current date.

  • Retained: Amount retained on all job bills as of the current date. Note: Retainage is calculated as a percentage of a job bill. Retainage per job bill can be seen on the Billing menu of the job.

  • Earned Revenue: Percent Complete X Total Contract

  • Actual Profit: Earned revenue - actual expenses as of the current date.

  • Budget Profit: Estimated profit based on Adjusted Bid - Budgeted Expenses.

  • Complete: Actual Expenses/Budgeted Expenses. Calculation of how complete the job is based on actual expenses compared to budgeted expenses.

  • Revenue: The amount of revenue recognized on the job as of the current date.

  • Costs: The amount of costs recognized on the job as of the current date.

  • Profit: Recognized Revenue - Recognized Costs. The amount of profit recognized on the job as of the current date.

  • Pct Complete: Recognized Revenue / Total Contract. Percent complete as of last revenue recognition.

  • Labor Hours: Total number of approved labor hours.

  • Labor Direct: Total amount of approved labor on the job excluding labor burden.

  • Labor Burden: Total amount of labor burden calculated on approved labor.


Profile Tab
Use the Profile tab to view/update basic job information. Most of this information is entered when the job is created, and Accounting Method and Bid Amount are locked down as soon as the job is made Active.

  • Customer: Displays the customer's name. Click in the field to access the full customer right-click menu.

  • Job Name: The name of the job, such as Smith Pool Renovation. The job name displays on all job reports and is a searchable field on the Job Search form.

  • Job Type: Dictates default general ledger posting accounts, default timecard, and materials cost codes, labor burden rate and retainage rates for the job.

  • Default posting accounts set up at the Job Type level include Jobs in Progress, Job Billings, Job Revenue, Applied Direct Labor and Applied Labor Burden. You must setup Job Types before adding a new job. To setup Job Types, go to Administration > Job Costing > General Setup > Job Types.

  • The Job Type field can be changed once the job is active, but you must be aware that changing the Job Type could cause job transactions to post differently as of the change date. For instance, New Construction job type uses 4000 - New Construction as the default Revenue GL account and Renovations job type uses 4002 - Renovations. You started the job with New Construction as the Job Type and recognized $10,000 in revenue. This revenue would have posted to the 4000 - New Construction GL revenue account. Now you change the Job Type to Renovations and recognize $5,000 in revenue. This revenue will post to 4002 - Renovations GL revenue account. You now have revenue for the same job in two different places. You can view the specific posting of single revenue recognition by going to the Revenue menu of the job, highlighting the revenue recognition and clicking View. You can also avoid this issue entirely by going to the Accounting menu of the job after making any changes to Job Type to ensure the correct default posting accounts are listed.

  • Accounting Method: The Accounting Method refers to how you plan to recognize revenue on the job. There are two options: Percent Complete and Completed Contract. This field cannot be updated once the first revenue recognition is created.

  • Percent Complete means you will recognize revenue in stages as the job progresses.

  • Completed Contract means you will wait until the job is 100% complete before recognizing any revenue.

  • Store: Determines the store that will be used when posting job figures to the general ledger.

  • Foreman: The primary person in charge of the job. Job reports can be filtered by Foreman.

  • Sales Person: The person that made the original sale for this job. Job reports can be filtered by Sales Person.

  • Store: Determines the store that will be used when posting job figures to the general ledger.

  • Interest: The primary marketing interest for this job, such as Pool.  Marketing efforts will be generated when a job is created if you have campaign streams set up for the selected interest.

If a campaign stream is generated for the job, it will stop if:

  • The job is changed to Active status.

  • The job is changed to a Closed - Lost Bid.

  • Post-sale campaign streams will begin when the job status is changed to Close Job – Complete

  • Referring Customer: If the customer was referred to your store by an existing customer, you may associate that referral to the job by selecting the referring customer from the search screen. The referral will then show on the Profile menu of the referring customer.

  • Contract: a text field for entering a contract number.

  • Comment: a text field for entering any special comments about the job.

  • Quoted: Quick reference to the quote that originated the Job. Quote, number will only be listed if the job was created directly from the quote.

  • Flag: Customizable statuses for the job, such as Ready for Inspection, Waiting for Site Review, Gunite Complete, etc. Job reports can be filtered by job Flags. Flags are setup under Administration > Job Costing > General Setup > Job Flags.

  • Bid Amount: There are two options for entering a bid amount: Bid by Phase and Bid Amount. The Bid by Phase figure is calculated from the Budget and is the summary of bid figures for every phase/cost code combination. The Bid Amount is the flat figure entered when adding the job. You can bid the job using either method, but remember this number will be used throughout the duration of the job to calculate revenue. This figure cannot be changed once the job is active.

  • Estimated Start Date: This defaults based on the created date of the job, but can be changed at any time. It is important to change the Estimated Start date before adding Phases since the start date of Phases will default to the Estimated Start date of the job.

  • Estimated End Date: Defaulted based on the average time required to complete other jobs of the same Job Type. This figure is for information purposes only and can be changed at any time.

The Location tab displays the bill to and job Location addresses for the selected customer. These addresses default based on the bill to and ship to (job location) address on the customer.


The Materials Manager displays all materials (stock and non-stock items only) required for the job and lists the associated phase and phase start date. General features of the screen include purchase order creation, printing packing slips, delivering items, editing vendors, stock sites and tax codes as well as assigning serial numbers.
Items listed in the Materials Manager will be in one of the following statuses:

  • Waiting: Items waiting to be delivered to the job. All items waiting for delivery display the default vendor cost until delivery at which point Evosus grabs the latest cost (based on inventory valuation method). These items will display "Need in Days" and "Lead Time" fields to help you determine when to order product. The "Need in Days" number is based on the number of days until the start of the phase associated to the line item. The "Lead Time" number is the average lead time to receive this item from the vendor if you were to purchase the item. A system parameter also exists that dictates when job items start appearing on purchase order reorder alerts. By default, items will start appearing on the reorder alerts screen 30 days prior to the phase start date. The system parameter will dictate that time frame.

  • Delivered: Items have been marked as delivered Inventory quantities were reduced and the appropriate cost (based on inventory valuation method) was assigned to the item. Item cannot be edited unless it is undelivered.

  • Not Used: All items in a Waiting status when a job is closed will change to Not Used. This allows you to see which items were left undelivered on a job without seeing those items as Reserved or on the reorder alerts screen.

The Subcontractors tab allows you to store important information for each sub-contractor working on a specific job (Administration > Job Costing > Search Jobs > Select a job > Subcontractors tab). Information such as phase/cost code, vendor name, bid amount, insurance information and performance review is stored for each sub-contractor.
Note: Insurance information is entered at the Vendor level.

  • Click Add to enter a new Sub-Contractor. You are only required to enter Phase, Cost Code and Description although the amount figure is important since it can be pulled into the budget and used to compare projected versus actual sub-contractor costs. Since insurance information is entered at the Vendor level, it's a good idea to always select an associated vendor to ensure insurance information is being displayed for the sub-contractor in each job.

*Note: If a vendor is associated to a sub-contractor, then all jobs associated with the vendor will appear on the Job menu of the Vendor Profile.
*Note: Performance Review, Whiteboard and Insurance tabs are available once the Sub-Contractor is saved.

  • Click Update to edit sub-contractor information and view performance review and insurance information. The performance review questions are setup in the same place as Service Interview questions and serve a dual purpose.

Options button

  • Add: Allows you to add a new sub-contractor.

  • Update: Edit sub-contractor information and view performance reviews, whiteboard and insurance information.

  • Delete: Remove a sub-contractor from a job.

  • Go to Vendor" Removes the highlighted phase from the list. Note: You cannot delete phases if any costs have been applied to the phase. Example: timecard allocations, delivered materials or AP transactions.

  • Add Bill: Option only available if the vendor is associated to sub-contractor. Takes you to Bill-Other screen with vendor and job information pre-filled.

  • Pay Bills: Option only available if the vendor is associated to sub-contractor. Takes you to the Pay Bills screen auto-filtered by selected vendor.

  • Write Check: Option only available if the vendor is associated to sub-contractor. Takes you to Write Checks screen with payee and job information pre-filled.

  • Add Debit Memo: Option only available if the vendor is associated to sub-contractor. Takes you to Debit Memo screen with vendor and job information pre-filled.

  • Add Purchase Order: Option only available if the vendor is associated to sub-contractor. Takes you to Add New Purchase Order screen with vendor and PO Name pre-filled with job information.

  • Copy Subs from Other Job: Allows you to copy sub-contractors from another job. Select "Copy Subs from Other Job." On the Job Search screen, locate the job to copy from. Highlight the job and click Select. All sub-contractors for the selected job will be added to the new job automatically. All information is copied including amount.

  • Cost Variance Log: Allows you to view changes to sub-contractors that cause the sub-contractor totals to differ from the budget. Adding, deleting and updating sub-contractor amounts will increase or decrease the variance once a job is active. This is helpful for viewing cost changes that occurred to the job and caused your budget to be out of sync with actual costs.


The Job Budget allows you to record budget and bid figures by phase and cost code. Budget entry is not required, but is important for calculating job percent complete and actual vs projected revenue/cost. Budget entry is made easy with the ability to copy materials and sub-contractor costs directly into the budget, update bid by margin percentage and utilizing the direct labor calculator to estimate labor costs (including burden) based on estimated hours.

  • The first screen you see when clicking the Budget menu is a summary of all figures entered in the Budget. All amounts are displayed by Phase/Cost Code combination.

  • The Percent Complete figure is calculated by dividing the Actual Cost by Budgeted Cost.

  • Click Update to edit budget figures. The Budget update screen can be filtered by Summary Phase, Detail Phase and Cost Code to limit the information you see on the screen. The upper right corner displays summary budget figures such as Budget, Bid, Margin and total hours. You may enter information in the Budget, Bid and Hours fields as long as the job is in a Bid status; however, the Bid fields are locked down once the job is Active.

Options button

  • Copy Current Material Amounts - Allows you to copy materials costs from the Materials Manager directly into the budget. You can copy materials costs by phase or group of phases. Simply select the phases you wish to copy and click Copy. The material costs will be imported based on the phase and cost code associated to each material.

  • Copy Current Sub-Contractor Amounts - Allows you to copy sub-contractor amounts from the Sub-Contractors menu directly into the budget. You have the option to Replace Current Amounts or Append to Current Amounts. The Replace Current Amounts option is best if you're adding all new Sub-Contractors or made significant changes and simply want to replace your previous work. Append to Current Amounts is best if you manually entered sub-contractor costs into the budget and now want to add additional sub-contractor costs. Simply select the phases you wish to copy and click Copy.

  • Direct Labor Calculator - Helps calculate labor costs, including labor burden based on the job setup. Simply select a phase/cost code combination, enter the estimated hours and estimated average pay rate. Click Save This Amount to have the total added to the budget.

  • Mass Update Bid by Margin - Sets the bid amount based on a specific margin. You can set the margin by phase/cost code or assign the same margin to all phases/cost codes. Simply select the Phase and Cost Code, enter the Margin and click Apply Margin.

Work Orders
Work Orders allow you to schedule work, assign techs and print work orders and packing slips (Administration > Job Costing > Search Jobs > Select a job > Work Orders tab). Tasks scheduled within Job Work Orders display on the main Service & Delivery Calendar. Work Orders can also be printed using Print Docs in Service & Delivery.
There are two ways to add work orders to the job:

  1. Add Work Orders Manually
  • Allows you to add Work Orders from scratch with no defaults. Simply click Add and begin entering information.

  1. Copy Work Orders from Other Job
  • Allows you to copy Work Orders from existing jobs. This will copy all pertinent information including Job Type, Name and Request. Job Phase and service tasks are not copied. On the main Work Orders menu, click Options > Copy Orders from Other Job. On the Job Search screen, locate the job to copy from. Highlight the job and click Select. All work orders for the selected job will be added to the new job automatically.

- The Work Order is comprised of six menus: Profile, Request, Materials, Schedule, Whiteboard and Print.

The Schedule tab on the Job screen displays all tasks scheduled for the job whether manually created from the Schedule menu or created from a