Mass highlight and print multiple labels using the following screens:
Action Items
- From the Employee tab go to My Action Items
- Highlight a customer, hold down the shift key to mass select, then click Print Labels.
- Complete the Print Options Tab

Maintenance Contract Search
- From the Administration tab go to Maintenance Contracts > Contract Search. Select your filters. Then you are going to highlight a customer and hold down the shift key to mass select
- Right-Click > Select Customer Labels
- Complete the Print Options tab
Search Service Schedule List View
From the Administration screen go to Service and Delivery > Search Schedule - List View (select day, week, or month) > Sort the view as you prefer.
Mass highlight by right-clicking and holding down the shift key > Right-click and select Print Labels.
- Complete the Print Options tab.
Print single labels in the following screens:
- My Leads
- My Customers
- My Quotes
- My Orders & Invoices
*Note: Each of the screens varies slightly, but the process is the same.
Click into a screen
Highlight the customer
Right-click to select Print
Customer's Tab
From the Customers tab, search for your customer.
Highlight your customer and right click
Select Other Functions
Select Customer Labels
Print multiple labels for customers based on specific criteria in the following screens:
Marketing Lists
*Note: a list must be created before following this option. You can learn all about Marketing Lists via the Complete Marketing Guide.
From the Administration screen go to Marketing > List Generation > Marketing Lists.
Select the Marketing List and click "Execute List."
- From here, you will be able to select how you want the label created.
Money Tree
From the Administration tab go to Reports > Sales > Orders And Invoices > Evosus Money Tree
Complete your filters, and click Create Money Tree
- Click the Customer tab
- From this screen, you will need to highlight your customer, click Print, and select Print Report