Use the Refresh Request Status option to refresh the status of the credit card batches(Administration > Evosus Card Services > Refresh Request Status). For example, if you think a credit card batch has been settled but it still has an Approved status on the Card Requests Search screen, select the Refresh Request Status option to update the status of the credit card batches.
The Refresh Request Status option does the same thing as the Refresh Request Status button on the Card Requests Search screen.
How are the statuses of credit card batches updated?
If you are using Evosus Card Services, Evosus periodically requests a status update of the credit card transactions after business hours depending on the settlement date set up on the merchant profile (Administration > Evosus Card Services > General Setup > Merchant Profile > Open a merchant > Merchant Profile tab > Auto Settle Daily At field).
Using the Refresh Request Status option just manually triggers a request.
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