New Store: Create a new store and use this store for all applicable transactions, such as Sales Orders/Invoices and A/P Bills so revenue and expenses can be tracked for your new eCommerce store. To setup a new store, go to Admin > System > Stores > Store > Add.
New GL Accounts: Consider any new GL accounts you'll need such as checking accounts, cash on hand, over/under accounts, product line revenue & COGS, etc. Setting them up in advance will help the Evosus set up go much faster since the GL accounts will be available on demand. To set up new GL accounts, go to Admin > Accounting > General Setup > Chart of Account.
Stock Sites: You will need to consider how stock movement will work for e-commerce and setup Evosus to accommodate your inventory flows. This may involve setting up new stock sites, distribution methods and store-stock site relationships. Stock sites, Distribution Methods and Store Stock Site relationships can be added under Administration > Inventory > General Setup
Payment Methods: If you are accepting any new payment methods, you need to set this up under Administration > Accounting > General Setup > Payment Methods. Payment methods used for customers should be the "Collection" type payment method.