1. Legacy
  2. Industry Integrations

Set Up Cinderella Integration

Use the Cinderella Integration Setup screen to set up and test a Cinderella, Inc. integration. The Cinderella Inc. integration includes the following features:

  • Mass import of new inventory items. When importing new inventory items, this integration includes a Use the Suggested Retail option. This means you can set the retail price using a default retail margin, or the suggested retail price.

  • Mass update cost on existing inventory items

  • Electronically submit POs from Evosus to Cinderella, Inc.

Set up a Cinderella, Inc. integration

  1. Open the Cinderella Integration Setup screen (Administration > Industry Integrations > General Setup > Cinderella Inc).


  1. Enable Cinderella Integration - Check this box to enable the fields on the screen.

  2. Customer Key - Contact Cinderella, Inc. if you don't know your customer key.

  3. Matching Evosus Vendor For Cinderella - Select the vendor that you set up for Cinderella.

  4. Click Test Communication with Cinderella to verify the customer key is correct.

  5. Click OK when complete.

  • Don't forget to set up security permissions on the integration.

  1. Now that the set up is complete, you can use the integration to perform the following actions:

  • Mass import of new inventory items

  • Mass update cost on existing inventory items

  • Electronically submit POs from Evosus to Cinderella, Inc.

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