Set up Evosus Mobile Services on a new device
To follow these steps, you must be using Evosus version 6.6.1XX or greater.
Version 3 Evosus version 6.6.4XX or greater |
Android | Apple |
Version 4 Evosus version 6.6.408 or greater |
Android | Apple |
Step 2: Get your five letter code
On the device, tap on Account to open the Account screen.
Find the five letter code at the bottom of the screen. For example, TKXXE.
Step 3: Input your five letter code into the Mobile Dashboard
In Evosus, go to Administration > Mobile > Mobile Dashboard > Licensing > Enter the five letter code into the Setup Code field.
Select the employee that is using the device in the Employee field.
Upload Pics over WiFi only - Check this box if the device should only upload pictures when connected to WiFi.
Click Push Setup to Device.
Step 4: Setup information is loaded onto the device
An information message appears on the mobile device, and the serial number and configuration information is loaded.