Use the Stock Movement Report to see a filtered list of stock adjustments and transfers made for a given period of time (Administration > Reports > Inventory > Items > Stock Movement). Transactions may have been initiated by sales, returns, service orders, physical counts, or manual stock adjustments and transfers.
Accounting Period: Accounting periods are created, closed, and reopened using the Periods tab on the Accounting Setup screen.
Product Line: Product lines group your inventory items into high-level categories, e.g. Accessories, BBQs & Grills, Chemicals, or Covers.
Item Class: Item classes are a calculated value that displays the popularity of an item using a letter grade (A-F).
Stock site: A stock site is any location that carries inventory, e.g. retail stores, warehouses, and service vehicles.
Security Permissions Required
Category |
Function |
Administration – Reports |
Can Access Reports Tree Branch |
Can Access Reports - Inventory |