Vendor Purchase Order - Item Receipts tab > Field Descriptions

The Item Receipts tab displays all item receipts for the selected purchase order (Administration > Inventory > Vendor Purchase Orders > Select a search option > Open a purchase order). The Item Receipts menu allows you to receive additional items, delete receipt of items and print packing slips or barcodes. The Receipts grid is especially helpful for researching what happened with a specific item receipt. For instance, you can view the following information:

  • Invoice No: Let's you know if the item receipt has been assigned to a vendor invoice. If the item receipt has already been assigned to a vendor invoice, then it will not show up on the Items tab of a new vendor invoice. If you are adding a vendor invoice and cannot find an item in the Items list, the first place to go is the Item Receipts menu of the associated PO to see if it was already assigned to another invoice.

  • Before and After Average Cost: Gives you a better understanding of how unit cost was affected when the item was received. Aids in researching cost discrepancies.

  • Posted: Let's you know if the item receipt has posted to the general ledger. If so, you won't be able to delete the receipt. Instead, you will need to manually correct the receipt.

  • Click Receive to receive items on the purchase order. Once items have been received, they will be listed on the Item Receipts menu.

  • Click Delete to delete receipt of an item on the purchase order.

Options button

  • Receive: Allows you to receive items on the purchase order.

  • Delete: Allows you to delete receipt of items on the purchase order. You cannot delete receipt of items with serial numbers attached. You must first go to the Serial Numbers menu of the purchase order and delete the associated serial number. Then you can continue deleting receipt of the item.

  • Print Receipts: Displays vendor shipment report for all packing slips received on this purchase order.

  • Print Barcodes: Allows you to print barcodes for items that have been received on the purchase order. By default, Evosus populates the number of barcodes to print as the quantity received.

  • Open Packing Slip: Takes you to the Vendor Shipment for this particular item. Here you can update the packing slip number, delete receipt of items, go to vendor invoices and view associated serial numbers.

  • Open Invoice: Takes you to the invoice associated with this item receipt.

  • Open Vendor: Takes you the vendor profile for the vendor associated with this purchase order.

System Parameter Options





Barcode Prints To

Dictates the type of labels that are selected by default when entering the Print Barcodes form.


Receiving - Auto Assign Serial Numbers

Entering yes will auto-assign serial numbers to customer orders assigned to the purchase order that are waiting for the serialized item.