Field Descriptions:
All fields, except Remember Me and Pop Up Alert, are locked once the purchase order is Closed.
Vendor: This is the vendor you wish to order product from. You may only add items to the PO that have a relationship to this vendor although you may create an item/vendor association on the fly when attempting to add an item that does not currently have a relationship with the vendor. Vendor may be changed until items are added to the PO. At that point, vendor selection is locked. Click Add Vendor to add a new vendor to the database. Click Go To Vendor to go to the Vendor’s profile.
Stock Site: Displays the receiving stock site for the purchase order. This field serves as a reference only. Receiving stock site can be changed on the Ship To Address menu.
PO Name: Serves as an identifier of the purchase order, such as a customer’s name or vendor reference number. The PO Name will print on the purchase order below the PO number and displays in the search grid.
Confirmed Date: The date the purchase order is confirmed by the vendor and is used for informational purposes only.
Expected Date: The date the purchase order is expected to arrive. The Expected Date defaults based on the created date of the purchase order and the lead time specified in the vendor profile. Expected date can be set per item, but defaults based on the Expected Date of the purchase order. Past Due purchase order status is calculated based on the purchase order expected date, not the item expected date.
Floor Finance Plan: Assign a floor finance plan to the purchase order for serial number items. All serial number items on the purchase order will be assigned to this floor finance plan.
Once the floor finance plan is added to the purchase order, you can locate and manage all of the items using the Search Floor Plan Serial Numbers screen.
Remember Me: Stores the purchase order for repeat use. You must enter a reference name for the purchase order which will display in the Remembered Transactions list when adding a new purchase order. The following information will be stored on the purchase order: vendor, stock site, bill to address, ship to address, early buy, floor finance plan, instructions, items and item comments. Note: Cost is not stored on remembered purchase orders, so item cost will always be current vendor cost.
Is Early Buy: Check this box if the purchase order is an “early buy” order meaning you are ordering the product now, but don’t expect to receive the product for several months. Marking a purchase order as Early Buy excludes the purchase order from the Average Lead Time calculation. (Average lead time is the average time from sending the purchase order to receiving the purchase order, excluding Early Buy POs).
Pop Up Alert!: Enter important alerts for the purchase order. Pop up alerts will appear as soon as the purchase order is highlighted in the PO search screens.