Use the Vendor screen to view/update vendor information (Administration > Accounting > Accounts Payable > Search vendors > Open a vendor).
Options tab
Vendor Class: Select a vendor class. Add vendor classes to vendors so you can filter the vendors on reports by type. For example, Inventory, Utilities, Subcontractors or General.
Default Account: Invoice amounts are automatically allocated to this GL account when entering bills. This can save you time and reduce data entry.
Payment Terms: Evosus will use the default payment terms when creating vendor invoices; however, payment terms can be updated on each individual invoice.
Default Tax: Evosus will use this tax when creating Purchase Orders for this vendor.
Federal ID: Enter the vendor’s Federal ID.
Our Account No: Enter your account number with the vendor. This number will print in the Memo field on check payments.
Exemption Number: Used for tax purposes (Australia).
Contractor License: Enter the Contractor’s License number if applicable.
Bond No: Enter the contractor’s bond number if applicable.
1099 Vendor: Check this box if a 1099 Form must be issued to this vendor. A 1099 must be issued to unincorporated contract vendors who receive fees in excess of $600.
W9 on File: Check this box to confirm that you have received a W-9 from the vendor. There is also a W-9 on File field on the 1099 Vendor Report.
Print Customer Names on Purchase Orders: Check this box if you want Evosus to print customer names below items on Purchase Orders. Names will only print if the customer is checked on Notify on Receipt.
Display Warnings for Insurance: Check this box if you want Evosus to warn you that a vendor’s insurance is about to expire or is expired. The message will appear when creating checks, invoices and debit memos.
Credit Limit: Enter your credit limit with this vendor.
Lead Time Days: This is the amount of time it generally takes to receive goods once a Purchase Order is issued. The expected date on Purchase Orders is defaulted based on the Lead Time entered in the Vendor Profile. The system default is 14 days.
Contacts tab
Use the Vendor Contacts Tab to add or update vendor contact information such as contact name, address, and phone numbers.
- Click Add or Update to add or update vendor information. Click OK once you have updated all necessary contact information for this vendor.
Bank Deposits tab
The Bank Deposits menu displays all deposits associated with this vendor. A bank deposit is associated with a vendor when an "Other" type deposit is entered for rebates, refunds or warranty checks. By default, the screen displays Bank Deposits for the current quarter, but you can use the left < and right > arrows to move through the quarters. Use the search field to locate a specific deposit by deposit name, comment, check number and employee name.
To view the bank deposit, highlight the deposit and click Update or double click the deposit. Deposits cannot be added or updated from this screen.
Invoices tab
The Invoices menu displays all invoices created for the selected vendor. By default, only Open invoices display in the grid. To view Closed Invoices, select the Closed radio button and use the Quarter drop down to select a past quarter. You may also use the left < and right > arrows to move through quarters. Use the search field to locate a specific invoice by invoice number, check number, comment and employee name.
To update or view an invoice, highlight the invoice and click Update or double click the invoice. The following functions can be performed from this screen:
Add Invoice-Other
Add Inventory Invoice
Close Invoice - Balance must be $0.00.
Cancel/Void Invoice - If posted, a reversing entry will be made. The invoice cannot be canceled if payments are applied.
Payments tab
The Payments menu displays all payments created for the selected vendor. Payments include manual checks processed through the Write Checks function and auto-created checks processed through Pay Bills. By default, the screen displays Payments for the current quarter, but you can use the left < and right > arrows to move through the quarters. Use the search field to locate a specific payment by check number, memo, reference number, and employee.
To update or view a payment, highlight the payment and click Update or double click the payment. The following functions can be performed from this screen:
Pay Bills
Write Check
Print Checks
Cancel/Void Payment
Debit Memos tab Use the Debit Memos tab to see the debit memos on the selected vendor. By default, only Open debit memos display in the grid. To view Closed debit memos, select the Closed radio button and use the Quarter drop down to select a past quarter. You may also use the left < and right > arrows to move through quarters. Use the search field to locate a specific debit memo by memo number, comment or employee. To update or view a debit memo, highlight the debit memo and click Update or double click the debit memo. The following functions can be performed from this screen:
Add Debit Memo
Update Debit Memo
Cancel Debit Memo
Auto-created Debit Memos (created from pre-pay checks) cannot be Cancelled/Voided from the Vendor Profile. You must Void the original check in order to void the Debit Memo.
RGAs tab
The RGAs tab displays all RGAs created for the selected item. By default, only Open RGAs display in the grid.
Purchase Orders tab
The Purchase Orders menu displays all Purchase Orders (POs) created for the selected vendor. By default, only Open POs display in the grid. To view Closed POs, select the Closed radio button and use the Quarter drop down to select a past quarter. You may also use the left < and right > arrows to move through quarters. Use the search field to locate a specific purchase order by PO number, PO name, floor plan name and employee.
To update or view a PO, highlight the PO and click Update or double click the PO. The following functions can be performed from this screen:
Add PO
Update PO
Print PO
Item Receipts tab
The Item Receipts menu displays individual item receipts for the selected vendor. By default, only Open item receipts display in the grid. An item receipt is considered Open if it has not been attached to a vendor invoice. To view Closed item receipts (attached to a vendor invoice), select the Closed radio button and use the Quarter drop down to select a past quarter. You may also use the left < and right > arrows to move through quarters. Use the search field to locate a specific item receipt by packing slip number, item description, PO number, comment and employee name.
To view the vendor shipment for a specific item receipt, highlight the receipt and click Update or double click the receipt. The following functions can be performed from this screen:
Add Item Receipt (receive purchase order)
Delete Receipt - This can only be done if the receipt has NOT posted to the general ledger. The deleted item will be removed from inventory. The status of the item will return to Open-On Order if the item was previously Open - Full Receipt.
Print Receipts (prints the vendor shipment report for that particular receipt)
Open Vendor Invoice (opens the vendor invoice assigned to the item receipt if one exists)
Open Vendor Purchase Order
Purchase Receipts tab Purchase Restrictions work in conjunction with purchase orders and are set up by weight and order amount. If restrictions are set up in the vendor profile, restriction warnings will appear on the purchase order if limits are not met.
Check the box "Warn users when purchase orders are being placed with vendor do not fulfill these requirements"
If this is a weight minimum, enter the minimum weight.
Evosus calculates weight using the weight entered on the Item Profile for each item.
Enter a Weight Restriction message. This will appear in the restriction message when sending the purchase order and on the Restrictions menu of the purchase order.
If this is an order amount minimum, enter the minimum order amount in dollars.
Evosus calculates the order amount using the vendor cost.
Enter an Order Amount Restriction message. This will appear in the restriction message when sending the purchase order and on the Restrictions menu of the purchase order.
Click OK to save changes.
To delete a restriction simply uncheck the "Warn users when purchase orders..." If you only want to delete one of the restrictions, then delete the text from the minimum and message fields for that restriction.
Jobs tab
The Jobs menu displays all Jobs where the selected vendor is listed as a subcontractor on the job. By default, only Open Active Jobs display in the grid. To view Closed Jobs, select the Closed radio button and use the Quarter drop down to select a past quarter. You may also use the left < and right > arrows to move through quarters. Use the search field to locate a specific job by job type, job name, customer name and employee.
To update or view a job, highlight the job and click Update or double click the job.
Insurance tab
The Insurance menu allows you to enter liability and workers compensation insurance details for the selected vendor. This can be used in conjunction with job costing to ensure sub contractors have the proper insurance on file. If you want Evosus to warn you if the insurance on file is expired, be sure to check the "Display Warnings for Insurance" box on the Vendor profile Options menu.
Add Insurance
Only Insurance Type and Effective Date are required to save the record.
Select an Insurance Type (Liability or Workers Compensation).
Select the effective date of the insurance policy.
Enter the Insurance Company name.
Enter the Policy Number.
Enter the Coverage Amount.
Enter the Phone Number
Enter the Fax Number.
Enter the Email address.
Enter any Comments.
Enter additional information about this insurance coverage.
Delete insurance
To delete an insurance record, highlight the record and click Delete.
Web Integration tab
The Web Integration menu allows you to enter website information for the vendor. Entering the website for a vendor and checking the "Include Vendor in Web Search on Item Search button" box will allow you to go to this vendor's website directly from the main Inventory tab when searching for inventory.
If you purchase from Horizon Spa & Pool Parts, you can enter the Web Search URL to enable Evosus to pass an item code directly to the Horizon website when searching for inventory.
AP Register tab
View all transactions created for the vendor in a given time frame. The AP Register displays Invoices, Payments and Debit Memos by month for the selected vendor. Double click a transaction to view details. Use the [Next] and [Previous] buttons to move through months.
Audit Log tab
The Vendor Audit Log allows you to view all transactions created for this vendor including RGAs, Invoices, Item Receipts, Checks, Debit Memos and Purchase Orders. By default, the screen displays transactions for the current quarter, but you can use the left < and right > arrows to move through the quarters. Use the search field to locate a specific transaction using transaction type, transaction number, transaction description, transaction status, transaction comment, store name, and employee name.
Double click a record to go to the transaction.
Alerts tab
The Vendor Alerts menu allows you to setup messages to display whenever someone accesses a vendor. Alerts can be used to notify employees of important information about a vendor. Alerts will appear when going to the Vendor's Profile.
Add Alert
Click 'Add'.
The Effective Date defaults to the current date, but can be changed as needed.
Enter the Expiration Date of the Alert. If no Expiration date is entered, Evosus® will default the date to 100 years in the future.
To Delete an Alert, highlight the Alert and click Delete.
To Update an Alert, highlight the Alert and click Update.
Security Permissions Required
Tab | Category | Function |
Preview Tab | Administration - Inventory | *Can Access Inventory Tree Branch |
Vendors - Update | ||
Profile Tab | *Can Access Inventory Tree Branch | |
Vendors - Update | ||
Items Receipts Tab | Vendors - Update | |
Vendor PO - Delete Item Receipt | ||
Vendor PO - Receive | ||
Vendor PO - Update | ||
Purchase Receipts Tab | Vendors - Update | |
Vendors - Can Search | ||
Jobs Tab | Administration - Inventory | Vendors - Update |
Administration - Accounting | *Can Access Accounting Tree Branch | |
AP - Vendor Invoice Search | ||
AP - Vendor Invoice Cancel | ||
AP - Debit Memo - Can Cancel | ||
Web Integration Tab | Administration - Inventory | Search Vendors |
Vendors - Update | ||
AP Register Tab | Vendors - Update | |
Vendors - Can Update | ||
Audit Log Tab | Vendors - Update | |
Alert Tab | Vendors - Update | |
Doc/Pics Tab | Vendors - Update | |
Whiteboard Tab | Vendors - Update | |
Notes Tab | Vendors - Update |