Click Unscheduled on the Employee tab of the main menu to view all orders that have been created, but not yet scheduled. Unscheduled Orders can be filtered by Sales or Service Transactions and by Store.
Schedule Task
Highlight the Order you would like to schedule.
Click Schedule It.
Enter all Task information.
Click OK.
You will be returned to the original order. You may schedule additional tasks, add items, or update any information.
Click OK on the order to save.
You will be returned to the Unscheduled Orders screen.
Highlight an order and click [Update] to go to the order. Update any necessary information and click OK to save changes and return to the Unscheduled Orders queue.
Highlight an order and click [Print] to print the order or invoice.
Go to Customer
Highlight an order and click Go to Customer to go to the Customer’s profile.
Stock Status
Highlight an order and click Stock Status to view the availability of all items on the selected order.